Monday, January 6, 2014

Why Hermetic Principles

It has been suggested that Hermes Trismegistus, or he whom we called that, was a contemporary of Abraham and an instructor of that age. His Hermetic teachings can be seen embedded deep within any of the world religions of today. Even though it may seem there are great and significant differences in the doctrine of these religions, at some of the deeper levels, there are always certain "correspondences" to the Hermetic teachings; these teachings have grown and evolved into various forms.
Within each generation a number of persons or students open themselves to the teachings; to understand and carry on the knowledge of Hermes. For many years, alchemists attempted to turn base metals into gold. Hermetic alchemy is rather a transformation of the baser consciousness of man to a golden enlightenment; a transformation of the self as Penczak has suggested. The principles taught by Hermes, and those after him, help us to understand how we can transform ourselves, better understand nature at it's most glorious, and grasp the similarities between science today and philosophy of yesterday.
The Hermetic Teachings can be found across the globe in many countries; however, they are never identified with any particular country, nor with any particular religious sect. The reasoning behind this was so that the teachings did not become embedded into doctrine or a specific creed, but remain as a philosophy that transcended this man made structure. At the time of the dawning of Christianity, the teachings were lost under a shroud of theology and it has not been until recently that the Hermetic Principles have re-emerged.

Syster Wyrd, Lorie

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