Wednesday, March 23, 2011

We Are Never Alone

An interesting concept to say the very least.

A man or woman, living ``far from the madding crowd``, alone and sequestered away from society; possibly in a remote area, would be considered in all sense of the word as alone. Separate, apart, isolated; to the exclusion of all others or all else. Well, I would ask you to humour me for a minute as I beg to differ with you.

This same man or woman wakens early on a morning. The first days of spring are evident in the swollen running of the brook, carrying hilltop snows to the streams and rivers before filling the lakes with their cool freshness. But how could this waking soul not hear the chatter of the two squirrels racing, spiralling, about the redwood that stands beyond the window, tiny claws catching and scratching in the bark. Or the symphony of birds singing praises to the sun that has returned to warm the day; robins twittering so beautifully or mesmerizing their pray with love songs, the jays screeching to be heard or daring the earth bound targets to show themselves even for a moment, and the timid peep of the finches as if saying not I, I am not with them.

Quiet is suddenly all the nearby world can hear, if that can even be counted as a sound just this once. For there, among the birches and willow saplings is a doe; all remain quiet in reverence to her beauty and grace. The squirrels and the birds take flight in their respective directions, startling the doe to leap back towards cover. As if startled ourselves, we come back to reality and our own places of abode.

How can any man or woman say that they are alone!! It is beyond me. And who are we to believe that any living thing is beneath us such that we are the only inhabitants that count or seem to matter.

Some of my best times are spent with my wildlife friends, sitting outdoors, listening and watching. They play, laugh, work and cry just like us. You only need to quiet yourself to join them.

So this spring, though some would say it is not here yet because of the snow, has already established itself in my mind, heart and soul; the robins are here, the sparrows have woken from their half sleep and soon the others will join us. Take the time and listen and watch; you will never be alone again.

Your Syster,

Blessed Be

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