Sunday, December 22, 2013

In the Deep Midwinter

As we have faced the cold time, with calm and renewed spirit, we turn to the newly lit fires of Yule. Our Sun is reborn as our Lord, from the dark we awaken to new life. Surround ourselves with calm and rest in the glow of peace. As I face East each morning to greet the new day, so I rest in Midwinter and await the first awakenings of Imbolc. Blessed Be everyone.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Fraction of the Moon Illuminated 2013 - Midnight - EST

Day     July     Aug.     Sep.     Oct.     Nov.     Dec.
 01     0.40     0.27     0.17     0.15     0.07     0.05
 02     0.30     0.19     0.10     0.09     0.02     0.01
 03     0.22     0.12     0.05     0.04     0.00     0.00
 04     0.14     0.07     0.02     0.01     0.01     0.02
 05     0.08     0.03     0.00     0.00     0.04     0.07
 06     0.04     0.01     0.01     0.02     0.10     0.15
 07     0.01     0.00     0.03     0.06     0.18     0.24
 08     0.00     0.02     0.08     0.12     0.27     0.34
 09     0.01     0.05     0.15     0.21     0.38     0.45
 10     0.04     0.11     0.23     0.30     0.50     0.56
 11     0.08     0.18     0.33     0.42     0.61     0.67
 12     0.14     0.27     0.44     0.53     0.71     0.76
 13     0.21     0.37     0.56     0.64     0.81     0.84
 14     0.30     0.47     0.67     0.75     0.88     0.91
 15     0.40     0.59     0.77     0.84     0.94     0.96
 16     0.51     0.70     0.86     0.91     0.98     0.99
 17     0.62     0.80     0.93     0.96     1.00     1.00
 18     0.72     0.88     0.98     0.99     1.00     0.99
 19     0.82     0.95     1.00     1.00     0.98     0.97
 20     0.90     0.99     0.99     0.98     0.94     0.93
 21     0.96     1.00     0.96     0.95     0.88     0.87
 22     0.99     0.98     0.91     0.90     0.82     0.81
 23     1.00     0.94     0.85     0.83     0.74     0.72
 24     0.97     0.88     0.77     0.75     0.65     0.64
 25     0.91     0.80     0.68     0.67     0.56     0.54
 26     0.84     0.71     0.59     0.57     0.46     0.44
 27     0.75     0.62     0.50     0.48     0.36     0.33
 28     0.65     0.52     0.40     0.39     0.27     0.24
 29     0.55     0.42     0.31     0.29     0.18     0.15
 30     0.45     0.33     0.23     0.21     0.10     0.08
 31     0.36     0.25              0.13              0.03