Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Return to Salem

Merry Meet Again All!
That's right!! I am so excited!! This August my dear syster and I are making our pilgrimage back to the place of our dreams. Salem, Mass. This August will be the five year anniversary of our first trip together. Above, the awesome Hawthorne Hotel, will again be our place of abode. Haunted they say it is, but we have yet to experience any of that fun stuff; maybe this time.

I am hoping that if I get some readers here who have been to Salem or, hope of all hopes, actually LIVE in Salem, that you might be willing to share some highlights you feel we should not miss!!
Sorry this is a short one but I will be back to muse a bit on what we did last trip and some of the activities we hope to share in this year!!

Blessed Be!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

January Full Moon and Juno Retrograde

I was perusing my Llewellyn's, Witches Datebook to get a head start on this coming week and of course verified that Wednesday is the January full moon. I also noticed that the secondary star Juno is also going retrograde the same day. I do not know much about this state or the star, so did a little searching.

First off, the Roman Goddess Juno's name means "vital force"; she is the counterpart to the Greek Goddess Hera, the wife and sister to Jupiter, and associated with the moon and the life force of women. Great stuff. So now what would a star in retrograde mean to me. Juno is in retrograde from January 19th at 3:41 pm (same day as full moon at 4:21 pm) and remains so until May 2 at 1:33 am.

I also researched what "retrograde signifies and came up with the following, in brief: during the time of retrograde, we will experience the energy of the specific planet or star in a more internal and subjective way; that we will find it's properties within ourselves; and that we can gain a better understanding of the area signified by that planet or star during this time. So, with Juno meaning "vital source", boy, can I come up with some great thoughts on this one.

Given circumstances around work and personal spirituality, I can suggest to myself that between these two dates, my focus should be on my inner vital force (pretty easy deduction). What that means to me is my awakening of energy, psychic force if you will, and the blending of the Lady and all that she is with my inner self.

My query out to all of you out there; do you agree, do you have thoughts on what this moon and time of retrograde means or should mean, or is there any other teachings that you can give.

Your Syster, Blessed Be.

Merry Meet All!

Life has presented me with various "surprises" over time; I am a product of many pathways on my journey to fullfilment. Through all these facets of my journey, one thing has held common and solid; that is my respect, love and appreciation for my fellow man and the earth and all of life around me.
I am a solitary Wiccan and I also follow the Druid teachings of the Order of the Bards Ovates and Druids. I hope with all my heart and soul that I am able to continue to appreciate the many gifts given to mankind; those that the Goddess gives freely to any who accept her with love.

That I will always know the content to sit in silence and hear that which is around me. Blessed Be.